Here is a link to my photobook, Nitimur in Vetitum

When making the photobook I was sticking with my night photography theme so I only edited the night photography ones, when the book came down I realised that some of my photos are a little to dark I believe this is because the monitor that used to edited the photos has its brightness setting up a little bit making the photos look brighter then they actually are however this is only for a couple of photographs most of the photographers are turn out really good and came out the way I wanted them to turn out, there are also some spelling mistakes in the writing on the first page on the book I believe this is because I didn’t get it proof read and I was tried when writing it however its not that bad you can read it and get the message that I trying to say, and as I said it not to bad but there are some grammar and spelling mistakes, besides all the mistakes the book turn out great and I am happy how it came out. If I was to do it again I would proof read the text before printing the book and I would check the brightness on my monitor I would also give my images titles and add more text into the book to fill in pages or add more images I would like to make another and see how the difference between the 2 books and see how much I can improve in making a better and more finished product. The book also dose look a bit thin so if I did make a new book I would add a lot more photo and I think people viewing the book would appreciate that also I would make it landscape not portrait just because I would be something new.