Subject-matter: Her book explores racism and economic decline in America’s small towns, as shown in her hometown of Braddock, Pennsylvania. She portrays the hardships of Frazier’s family, who grew up there, through her images. She has included a selection of photographs; landscapes, portraits, and objects. She particularly focuses on photographs of herself and her family.
These are some of the images in her book:

Genre: In her work, Latoya Ruby Frazier aims to document the decline of her hometown. This is created through the use of documentary photography and capturing landscapes of Braddock i.e., buildings among the town. She also combines this with an element of staged images of her family, capturing the personal element and effect the decline has had on herself and her family.
Approach to image-making: Frazier uses black and white film to capture her domestic portraits. She uses photography as a way of making substantial differences, capturing images to address important issues just like in this book ‘The notion of family’. Capturing medium format images in documentary and tableau style elements.