Photobook Gallery

Archive Gallery

New Photograph Gallery

Final Evaluation
Overall, I think this was a very successful project, with the final photobook creating a strong narrative for the viewer to go through. I showed development and experimentation, doing multiple photoshoots and using a variety of archives. I think the interview and the physical manipulation of the archives was a good touch, since it caused the final outcome to be much more personal. I think I told the story of my grandparents and the effect of my grandma’s past well. I think my project could’ve been improved if I took more photographs, giving me a wider selection to choose from and therefore, giving me the opportunity to use the best of the best pictures. I think it would’ve been even better to include physical manipulation on my images, not just the archives, to tie my work in further with my main inspiration, Carolle Bénitah.

However, the thread arrangements I did on the archives were very successful, and despite being simple (especially when compared to Carolle Bénitah’s work) they added a lot to the pictures and portrayed the metaphors (love and pain) I wanted to show through my work successfully. This is another way I linked my work with Bénitah’s; I included a lot of indirect indications of the story I wanted to tell through my work, as she also used the colour red to show emotion in her work. Moreover, the quotes I included in my photobook (taken from the interview) added a variety in mediums to my photobook, as well as further promoting the narrative. However, I believe I should’ve attempted more complex embroidery, to relate more to Bénitah’s work. The cover was another feature that I think is very successful, the title and picture heavily relating to the photobook, without being a cliché. Using polish for my title and quotes was another factor that made the project more personal. Not only did this project have a good outcome, it helped me connect with my family more.