1. Research a photo-book
The book is trying to tell the story about a persons mother and their loss of identity by losing her. She deals with her grieving by looking for her mother in a variety of objects and nostalgic things, but yet also gives them new life by photographing the old. She uses multiple different genres such as Still life, landscape and portraits combined into one photobook. For her photobook she uses a wide range of using each page such as one singular picture on a double page spread and sometimes two small images only covering the middle of the page. She also uses staged and natural images such as some being old pictures of people going about their daily lives and some where they are directly posing for the picture.
2. Who is the photographer?
I Feel that she made this photobook to share her experiences with losing her mother and to also help other people see a different side of a persons inevitable death and appreciate the time that they had with that person. I also feel that she wants the world to appreciate her mother and see her inner beauty like the way she saw it, and to also treasure her mothers legacy so her name goes unforgotten.