The aim of this photoshoot was to get some staged images and some candid ones, this is because I wanted to capture my friends in a natural state but also stage them to exaggerate the girlhood theme. I wanted images of my friends in trees and looking playful.
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Image Analysis

I put these images next to each other to compare them as they are very similar and I want to use only one of them for my final photobook. The top image presents girlhood better as there are three girls in it, all in and around the tree however I prefer the tone and composition of the image on the bottom. The tree is more central and creates a nicer focal point.

These two images are very similar however I like the composition form and space of both of them. Therefore, I plan on maybe putting them next to or above one another in my photobook.

I decreased the exposure in this image but brought the shadows up a bit. This was because the image was very overexposed so I wanted to define the image more. However, with heavy shadows, it caused the seaweed to take over the image a lot as its the darkest component in it. Bringing the shadows up just lightened that a bit.

I started by rotating the image to straighten the horizon, I then cropped the image and this made it all more central. I like this image as it has very clear broken up foreground, midground and background. The foreground of the sand, midground is the two girls and the background is the sea horizon. The focal point of this image is the two girls and they also contrast the image as the tone of the background and surrounding of them are lighter and colourful and they are a darker tone so stand out.