Editing process
The majority of these images needed a touch up due to their age, the clone stamp tool was used to remove blemishes. Along with the cropping tool to give the images a cleaner look. I also attempted to give a black and white image colour with the use of Photoshop Beta, although this was not successful

Final Edits
This series of archive images are sourced from an old photobook made by my father. I believe the inclusion of these images adds to the sense of nostalgia I am attempting to evoke throughout my project, enabling me to better present my fathers past, providing an more in depth insight into his life. These archive images will act as a base on which I can expand and compare to images I have produced in the present.

Finn – have a look at these photographers, some from the golden age of surf / skate photography to help influence your range of images
John Severson
John Witzig
LeRoy Grannis
Ron Stoner
Morgan Maasen
CR Stecyck