From every photoshoot I have completed in response to this project , I have manually burnt the photographs, covered them in bleach and other substances to change the colours of the images. Upon using all of these techniques I discovered and learnt more about the ink itself. I have discovered what the heat and the different amount of it can do to to the print itself. I have discovered that when gently applying the heat to the print it will slowly peel the ink from the paper. That how I was able to peel some of it off, however it was very fragile. For some of the photographs I have stuck the peeled off ink onto another photograph. For some I have left as just bleached, and for some I have scraped off the ink from the print. and sowed into the images. I mixed some of these methods to achieve different effects.

Once I was happy with the manipulation of the prints, I took photographs of them and then, cropped them. On top of cropping the images I have also edited them slightly when it comes to contrast, highlights and texture, and used the stop remove tool to remove the light bouncing of the images.

Final Images

I did this photoshoot in response to Jessas’ work, but also to show the connections between me and my mum in a more visual way.