3 words – Displacement, maturing, self-exploration
Sentence – Following my personal growth as I search for a place and people that I can call home, whilst figuring out my own place in the world.
Paragraph – A narrated account of my own search for a place to call home and the people that I met whilst doing so. It’s a documentation of my own travels contrasted with the dullness of being stuck living in one very small place, and my desire to be anywhere else.

For the book itself I want to use a hardcover with some kind of imagery that’s used as a motif. I want the book to feel more like a personal album than anything else, although it might be difficult to replicate that.
I’m not too sure on the type of paper or ink that I want to use, but I think a matte finish on the pages would suit it better as opposed to something glossier.
I don’t want the book to be too big either, but I want it to be more landscape-oriented as I will then have room to place some double page spreads with landscape images and space for a few diptychs or triptychs with portrait images, and maybe some negative space to write around or even on the photographs.
For my book’s title, I have a few ideas, but it’s something I’ll have to decide as the book develops. The first title I thought of is “Days Gone By“, as it reflects the nostalgic element of the book and the growing struggles within my own life. Secondly, my other title idea is “Finding Home“, as I feel that that is my goal within the self-searching and displacement within the book, and it feels more topical.

I want the editing of my photos to follow a more linear narrative, presenting my movements back and forth from place to place, as I also feel it might show more development in my technical skills within each image, as some date back to as early as 2021. Additionally, like Jim Goldberg’s “Raised by Wolves“, I want to insert handwritten text onto most of the pages and imagery, that provides context to push the narrative forward, without giving every detail. To do this, I want to write in an extremely blunt manner, using only lowercase letters and relatively short sentences.