I took a small collection of images on Christmas Day when my dad went for a swim, I also later took more environmental portraits in the home and some establishing shots of the surfboard/wetsuit/surf book collections that can be found in our house.

I took a small collection of images on Christmas Day when my dad went for a swim, I also later took more environmental portraits in the home and some establishing shots of the surfboard/wetsuit/surf book collections that can be found in our house.
I edited my images on Adobe Lightroom.
with my photoshoots I am planning on doing night photography so I will be going out during the darker hours of the day I will be going around the island talking photos of urban and abandoned buildings and objects I will also try and paint with light. how I will be painting with light I will up how long the photo is taken for and then go around the photo shinning lights on different objects and things the light I can get a filter for to make the light a different colour.
there are loads of abandoned building and unusual places to visit and take photos of however I do not know the names of some of them so I will try my best to describe the locations of them. The abandoned building behind Waitrose in St Clements, a abandoned places near a car park near fort regent, bunkers, a abandoned hotel near the coast of Jersey. I am not to sure of many other locations at this time however when I do photoshoots I will make a blog post talking about the photos and how I took the photos and also the locations of the places.