Photoshoot 1:
To start off my project, I would like to take images of the main bakehouse during non-working and working hours, showing the contrast between these two times of the day.
When? Non-working hours at the bakery are limited but between 1pm and 7pm there is usually nobody in the bakery, so in between these times will be best. As for working hours, I’m hoping to get a mixture of busy times and quiet times so I will need a chance to go in early in the morning (5-7 am) and later on in the morning (10 am-12 pm). I’m hoping to be able to show how the bakery works all through the day.
What? The main Vienna Bakery bakehouse, this is an area I have easy access to so this will be the first place I photograph.
Who? As much as possible, I will be aiming to take landscape-style images without anybody in the images, the main focus will be the building and the objects, not the people, within the building, however if some of the images have the workers in them, it won’t bother me.
Photoshoot 2:
As, this weekend, I will be working both days, I will take the chance to do a photoshoot of the staff in the shop, popular products in the shop and the shop.
When? Over a weekend. On Saturday, it’s a busier day so I won’t get much time to do a photoshoot but I will take the opportunity after 7:30 once the shop is set up to take images of different products coming into the shop at different times. On Sunday, not a lot of people will be expecting us to be open so it shouldn’t be too busy so this will be more of an opportunity to do a photoshoot of anything I don’t manage to capture on Saturday.
What? Objects-wise, I will be photographing different popular products that are made mainly in the shop but my main aim is to photograph products that people would recognise as Vienna Bakery products. I will also be photographing the actual bakery shop, whether that’s inside the shop or just the façade.
Who? Different staff members of the shop, I am hoping to photograph all the staff members in the shop, especially the more long-term and key workers i.e the bakers, the manager and staff members who may have been there for longer periods of time.
Photoshoot 3:
Even though it may not be an actual photoshoot, I am hoping to interview the director and maybe even the owner of the company, documenting the interview in a similar manner to Mitch Epstein in his book Family Business, picking stills from parts of the interview where we discuss specific topics about the business like why the creators chose the name or what makes the bakery different to others.
Interview questions:
What is the history of Vienna Bakery?
What made Bob Dodge decide to found Vienna?
How has the company kept going over all these years?
Are all the same traditional techniques used within the process of making products?
How did Covid-19 affect the company?
What is the difference, in your opinion, between Vienna and other bakeries in the island?