For my Statement of intent about nostalgia I am going to explore my childhood and what it was like growing up with a twin.
This is important to me as we grew up together and are never apart, Whenever I think back to my childhood she is the first thing that comes into my mind and all the different memories and experiences that we have been through together.
I wish to develop this project by taking sets of images of the contrast between our childhood toys and how in our household there was always two of everything. I also want to try and capture our relationship/friendship and how it has grown over the years. I would also like to capture how when growing up we where treated as individuals by family but yet treated like the same individual by people who are not so close with us.
I am thinking about presenting my project in a photobook as I feel that it would be the best way to display my work in a professional manner and links to my project as we have multiple photobooks of us growing up together. I would like to include a variety of different photography styles into my photobooks such as a mixture of Portraits, Landscapes, and Still-life as I feel that only one style could not capture my full intent for this project.
I intend to begin my study within the next month while taking images in various different locations such as the beach and our house. I would also like to take a set of images of objects in the studio as I feel that that type of lighting would be the best to isolate them and help outline them.

I struggled to find images online that would relate to what I am trying to capture with my project