Over the course of studying Photography A-Level, we have completed a number of projects and looked at a variety of artists. Some artist we’ve studied are Ansel Adams, Justine Kurland, Clare Rae and Hilla and Bernd Becher. Studying these variety of different artist’s allowed me to grow a deeper understanding of the camera and my preferred style of photography.
During the course of my A-Level study of photography I also learnt how to use various design software’s such as Lightroom Classic, Photoshop, InDesign, Premier Pro and briefly Audio Audition, when creating our film.
In my own personal study I will be focused on interpreting the work of the Becher’s; Typologies. In which they took photographs of industrial buildings and displaying them in a grid format.

- Justine Kurland: Girl Pictures


‘Girl Pictures’ by Kurland was a project I really enjoyed. It allowed me to experiment with portraiture photography, while also taking pictures with my girl friends showing ‘girlhood’ in the teenage years. This project seemed to be easier as we are in our teenage years, which allowed me to photograph among my peers. Taking very stereotypical ‘feminine’ images allowed me to take images in different locations which let me explore photography inside and outside.


Taking picture in the studio allowed me to understand the camera settings better. Here we explored double exposure and different lighting techniques. This unit allowed me to understand how to use the studio and professional lighting stands and overall how to use the camera and studio safely. I really enjoyed taking pictures using the coloured gels as I think they enhanced the visual of the image, but using different colours it allowed me to change the mood of the image entirely. By doing this project I grew a deeper understanding how one setting of a camera or your location could change the entire picture.
This was my least favourite project. Creating a film is a lot harder then it seems and it took a lot of team effort and co-operation. I did not like this project as there were so many other aspects you had to think about; photography, video and audio. I was not experienced in managing sounds or sound effects and found it hard to create a good sequenced that flowed. However this project improved my time management skills and co-ordination and allowed me to learn software’s such as Audition and Premier Pro.