statement of intent – personal study

For my personal study I want to follow the theme of architecture through nostalgia with different buildings from old to modern. Through this I want to show the evolution of architecture and how is has changed from what I used to see when I was younger to what I see now becoming more and more modern. Within this I may photography different houses or buildings that have been damaged due to the storm to develop my study as well as the environmental side of building in Jersey and whether or not our heritage is keeping its legacy or if it is slowly disappearing being a main reason to keep my images untouched. ‘Photographs, which fiddle with the scale of the world, themselves get reduced, blown up, cropped, retouched, doctored, tricked out.‘ Susan Sontag (1971), On Photography. Previously I have studied Anthropocene which I feel may fit into my personal study slightly as I photographed some buildings during that topic as well as used it as a way of awareness about the environment and how the use of plastic has rapidly increased. Not only has plastic increased but also wasted materials which some have come from building sites. I have chosen this topic because not only do I enjoy exploring different architectures, but because I find that there are so many hidden buildings that aren’t seen very often around Jersey which should be shown, and I want to explore this further with some being edited etc but also some being left to showcase the architecture itself. To develop my project I am going to visit the different parts of the island to find building that have been here for a while to newer builds or ones that have been done up to show modern building that are becoming more and more common. Once I have collect all of my images I am going to present them in a photobook so that you can clearly see all of my images. To begin my study I am going to photograph older building all over the island to showcase what architecture Jersey has. Most of my image are going to be taken in landscape in order to include the whole building in the image, however, some may be in portraiture if I think that will look better. I think that my images will look best in day light so that I can capture the detail in the buildings exterior, and that all of my images will be outside as I am focusing on the exterior of buildings rather then the interior. My images won’t be staged as I will photograph the buildings how they are without adapting them at all to show the raw architecture in Jersey. Some of my images may be presented by accompany text to tell the viewer why I have photographed the building as well as having my essay at the end of my book, however, most of my images will be presented on their own so that the viewer can use their imagination and can explore their own thoughts on them. I will use a linear sequence approach to display my images to tell a story from old buildings to new ones which will allow the viewer to see the change that is happening over time. Once I have my images I may collage some of them with different materials to tell something about the building rather than using text as it allows the viewer to have there own interpretation on the building whilst having a hint to guide them. I will leave most of my images plain so that the building is the main focus and the viewer doesn’t get distracted from me editing it etc. I will use Lightroom classic to adjust the images slightly to make them clearer or to set the mood of the image, i.e., some of my images may be in black and white. I think that this will make my images stand out and tell a story which hopefully the viewer will understand whilst still being able to have their own thoughts about what I have captured. I aim for my personal study to represent the theme of nostalgia from how the building have developed from building that have been on the island for a very long time or even listed buildings to buildings that are more for the looks or being very modern which are becoming more popular these days. Whilst photography has been developing architecture has too, almost alongside it and that is what I aim to show.

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