For my personal study, I have chosen to create a project based off Vienna Bakery, but more specifically how it came into my family and how it’s been a large part of my life growing up. I have a lot of nostalgia surrounding the bakery, as I live next to the bakery, over the years, I have seen, employees come and go and there are some that have been there since before I was born, my old neighbour even used to work there. Most of my family members in Jersey have worked or work there, making it massive part of my childhood. I would like to focus in on this for this project because I’ve always been around the bakery growing up, my mum being a manager at the bakery and me, now, working in the shop, selling products, growing up in the Vienna Bakery community has definitely shaped me as a person, whether that’s by knowing the people working there over the years or just by more recent events like working as a sales assistant in the shop in the Central Market shop.

My plan is to talk to and take images of people who work at the Bakery now, more specifically the long-term and more important members of staff, take images of different popular products and take images of both premises (Rue des Pres and the Central Market) using photography styles inspired by photographers like Michelle Sank, Mitch Epstein, August Sander, and David Goldblatt. I hope to use multiple styles of photography, not just sticking to one, but doing a mix of still life, portraits and landscapes. I would also like to use a mixture of documentary style images and staged images, showing the bakery during normal working times as well as specifically styled images. Taking inspiration from Mitch Epstein’s project “Family Business”, I hope to interview my mum’s cousin and owner of Vienna Bakery David Dodge and his daughter and the recently appointed director of the company Sarah Dodge. I hope to present this project within a photo book with stills of the interviews and text, quoting what’s said during each interview.