These are the final outcomes for the images we will be using in our film. As our film is going to be based off the history of Elizabeth castle and what it was used for in the past, I edited these images into black and white to evoke the moods of nostalgia, sadness and yearning. As well as using black and white to emphasise the storyline of our film, there was not much colour in the images anyway apart from dull beige colours that took over the image; the black and white distracts that for the viewer.
Image analysis

This image was very underexposed when I was choosing which images to edit for final images. I decided to experiment with it, I increased the exposure, brightness and highlights to brighten the image and slightly decreased the shadows so they weren’t as overpowering the image. However, I did increase the contrast a bit to keep the image parted with the light coming from the top of the stairs and the darker, shadowed stairs. Although this image was an experiment i liked the outcome so made it a final image of mine.
I liked this image straight away as the square shaped ‘window’ of the point of view from inside the castle force a focal point of the pier and boat in the background. The window causes kind of a boarder to draw the viewers attention to the scene outside. The camera is focused on the setting outside, it is more exposed and brighter in comparison to the darkness inside the castle. With the context of our film being based around the history of Elizabeth castle, this could represent how lonely soldiers felt while at war, trapped inside a dark place whilst looking out.