Still Images: We wanted to make sure we had a variety of images in our film such as colour images and black and white images to represent the change from the past to the present. When editing the still images, Megan made sure to give the black and white images a lot of depth as the letter is going to be scrolling over the images, so they needed to have a lot of darks and lights to stay distinct. She used AdobeLightroom Classic to edit these.
Editing the video:
When editing the videos, Megan changed the setting to ‘colour’ to enable her to get the basic editing tools to edit the colour and light.
She mainly focused on the ‘Basic correction’ to achieve this.
I used a mixture of the sounds we collected at Elizabeth Castle and also sounds that were collected by Sam, an audio producer.
When choosing what sounds I wanted to include in the multitrack, I had to look at what images were going to be presented so the sound matched. For example, for the image of the sea I used a sound effect provided by Sam of seagulls. Before I added the sounds to the multitrack, I edited them individually on the ‘waveform’. This is where I was able to cut down the sound, ‘clean’ it up and add effects such as echo.
I had to filter each sound to make sure they were ‘clean’. This involved removing and eliminating the background noises which I was able to do by using the ‘parametric equaliser’. Once I had edited each sound, I added them in to to the multitrack.