We plan to centre our film around the Nazi Occupation of Jersey in WWII, travelling to different historical sites around the island, including the War Tunnels, various important bunkers and larger fortifications such as Mont Orgueil Castle in Gorey.

I want to use this task as an opportunity to improve my skills in techniques such as hyperlapses, which is a form of timelapse shot used to capture motion. We also hope to use Charlie’s drone if we can get it to work, as it would work really well for establishing shots of the castle. As I already take film studies as an extra subject, I think I have leeway when it comes to experimenting with these harder techniques, another one I want to try is the slow-motion feature on my phone’s camera, which has so far given me some smooth, high quality shots when messing around with it.
When we actually go to Elizabeth Castle, we’ll need to bring a tripod, a camera (phone camera should be enough but we might be better off using a proper one), and the drone (if it works). Otherwise, when we do our extra shooting, we should be alright with the same or even maybe less equipment.
For the audio on our short film, we need to bring a sound recorder and maybe make use of the boom arm if we’re shooting at the same time. We need ambient sounds of seagulls, the shore, and we might need to record some footsteps on gravel and stone. If we can’t get these on the day, we can make some sound effects with foley sound.