Zine Narrative & story

I am going to be making a zine from my images I took in St Malo, including some of the AI images I have generated from that shoot.

Narrative: a spoken or written account of connected events, a story. A narrative can also be told through a series of images which can tell a story. When creating a narrative through images the way they are presented have to be carefully thought about, for example: what order are the images in?, do the images have a caption?

What is my story?

All my images contain a subject which each have their own individual story. I am going to let the viewers create there own story when they look at the images as I think that some of the images can be interpreted in many different ways

How will I tell my story?

I’m going to tell my story by presenting my images from St Malo in a certain order in the zine, with each page representing one piece of the story. I’m going to vary how I present the images. For example, I may chose to put a single image on one page and on the next have multiple images.

I may also to have a look at some archived images of St Malo and add them in to the zine, to create a sense of nostalgia.

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