STORY: What is your story?
Describe in:
- 3 words- People in St. Malo
- A sentence- Exploring the citizens of St. Malo and the tourists, as well as their environments
- A paragraph- The year 1960 marked the end of the 12 years it took to rebuild St. Malo, and ever since it has been a place overflowing with people- tourists and residents wondering its streets. St. Malo is a place for everyone, this was clear as soon as I walked in through the town’s entrance. The warm weather invited a lot of activity, the air filled with a welcoming atmosphere. People were everywhere, eating in restaurants, shopping, exploring the old town. It was difficult to focus on singular individuals, however, after supressing the initial excitement, I began to break the crowds of people up, noticing details. It was a fascinating experience, seeing how both couples and individuals enjoy themselves within the walls of St. Malo. I wanted my photos to be an exploration of people, taking into account the different moods that each person experienced. The idea of loneliness seems to be forgotten about within these walls, the contrast between groups of people, families, couples and individuals being interesting, especially since everyone appeared to be content, whether in others company or just their own.
What is a NARRATIVE?
A narrative is any account of a series of related events or experiences, whether nonfictional or fictional. Narratives can be presented through a sequence of written or spoken words, through still or moving images, or through any combination of these. Some see it as a recount of events, in a more artistic manner.
The word derives from the Latin verb narrare (to tell), which is derived from the adjective gnarus (knowing or skilled).
NARRATIVE: How will you tell your story?
For my zine, I have selected photos that explore people and their surroundings. I think my photos are most effective in black and white, which is why I based my entire zine of these two shades. I will include some typography in my zine, using quotes from Henri Cartier- Bresson (my inspiration) and a short paragraph explaining my reasoning for my theme of photos, and the though that went in. Although most of the photos include people, I have also used a photo of graffiti, as I think it can be be a portrayal of the thoughts that people have. I will only be using real images of St. Malo, as for me AI generated images don’t provoke any feelings of nostalgia.