For the concept of my zine I want to build it off of the limited 11 images that I want to use and create a timeline from them, with maybe a little story which could be interpreted in any way. For example: it would start out with the most recent image I had taken at St.Malo after getting off of the boat:

which would be this image, as it shows how active St.Malo is for locals and tourism, and it would progress from there.
My “Narrative” would be more up to interpretation of the images that people see with some captions suggesting what they are looking at in the first place. Like an image of a couple looking at the view:

people in their own interpretation of my images could see the progress of me going around the town and seeing the things that I saw, I think this is good because opinions on the town can be bias so just showing people the things I saw and want to show, gives it more realism.