St Malo Trip Plan

Street photography

street photography is genre of photography that records everyday life in a public place. This is often a form of photography which links with portraiture as the photographer is able to take candid photographs of people, without them knowing. it is also a form of documentary-style photography that captures scenes in public places, often without prompting or posing from the subjects. It’s about capturing people and their surroundings, creating meaningful images that tell stories.

There is another variation of street photography which is more under the name of urban photography, which could be photographs of the street itself but there aren’t any people in there, or people are not the main focus in the photograph.

Who- people on the streets of St Malo, especially people that show a connection between each other. Meaning people that represent human relationships.

What- as I am going to be focusing on street photography, the objects that I will usually capture are going to be buildings, shops, street signs and elements like bins, benches and plants.

Where- on the streets of St Malo but mainly within the old town region, as it is close to the beach, some photographs may feature that location

When- the trip is supposed to be taken out on the 14th June 2023, between mid-day and early evening. this means we would have around 5-6 hours. This means the times the photographs will be taken is going to enable the photographs to turn out the best due to the high contrast between natural light and shadows between those times.

How- as I am going to be capturing people that are moving quite quickly, I will need to use shutter speed mode and keep a closer attention to the shutter speed as well as a high aperture because it is going to be bright. in order to not have the photographs blurred I will need to ensure that the shutter speed is roughly around around the speed of 1/250sec and 1/500sec. I want to achieve high contrast in my images and sharp detail.

Why- to develop a higher skill set when it comes to capturing people that are unaware of the photograph being taken of them, in other words I will practice my street photography skills and get outside of my comfort zone when it comes to taking photographs of strangers. I think St Malo is a great place to that as most of the people there will not recognise me whereas if I were to complete this in Jersey there is more of a likelihood that I could come across someone I know.

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