Edited Versions

I think editing all my images into black and white was a good decision as it linked in more with Henri Cartier-Bresson’s work. I think my results were quite successful in capturing St. Malo, especially the people.
I think editing all my images into black and white was a good decision as it linked in more with Henri Cartier-Bresson’s work. I think my results were quite successful in capturing St. Malo, especially the people.
For my street photography shoot I am going to take photos in London. I want to try and capture a modern take on Bresson’s style.
Inspiration/ mood board:
I’m going to carry my camera round with me and take photos of interesting people and moments.
Using my digital camera, I will use aperture priority for places with daylight to get the right exposure of light, and to keep the shutter fast so my images aren’t blurry. If the lighting is dark I might use shutter priority, however I won’t have a tripod so I will experiment. I also might try some long exposure images to capture the movement and chaos in London.
Most of my images will be in the daytime whilst it’s the busiest, however I may try and take some night images to contrast and capture a different side of London.
This is a mood board that I found from the internet of street photography in St Malo.
These are my edits of my favourite images from St Malo. For the majority of my images I wanted them to come across as bright with vibrant colours, but for the images that didn’t have the colour tones that I was looking for I decided to to make them monotone which I felt helped me have more contrasting images that I could use in the future such as for my zine.
I edited all of my images on Lightroom.
This is a mood board of some of my pictures
We went on a school photography trip to St. Malo for the day where we spent the day taking street photography photos of people and places. St. Malo is in Britany France only an hour away from Jersey, the old town in St. Malo is surrounded by tall walls and stone buildings