Street photography (also sometimes called candid photography) is photography conducted for art or enquiry that features unmediated chance encounters and random incidents[1] within public places. Although there is a difference between street and candid photography, it is usually subtle with most street photography being candid in nature and some candid photography being classifiable as street photography. Street photography does not necessitate the presence of a street or even the urban environment. Though people usually feature directly, street photography might be absent of people and can be of an object or environment where the image projects a decidedly human character in facsimile or aesthetic.[2][3]

In this image the photographer has captured an image of what looks like a couple in the street. The woman in the image looks like she is startled or distracted by something, whereas her partner is looking at her with passion. The lighting in the image is natural lighting but the photographer has edited the image to be in black and white. The image being put into black and white creates a mood to the image as if they are in love but she is being distracted by something. The structure of the people being sat behind them makes it feel as it they are talking about the couple and having a judgment on them. The way the photographer is positioned gets all of the cars and busyness in the back of the image. This creates the idea that they are in their own bubble and do not care about anyone else.