Henri Cartier-Bresson was a French artist and street photographer, known for his heavily popularised concept of “the decisive moment” within photography. It refers to capturing a spontaneous event in a photograph; this event being what gives the image its character as a piece. This ‘event’ could be anything, from a plane flying over a house in an image to cyclists riding through the streets of Hyères, France in one of Bresson’s most famous photographs, aptly titled “Man cycles down street.”

The decisive moment brings an element of action to an image – providing it with a narrative that it wouldn’t have otherwise as a static shot of a staircase on an empty street.

This is reflected in some of my own images, such as this one above. The moving car on the road adds action to the composition and acts as a focal point, further drawing in a viewer’s attention. With this being said, I hope to use Bresson’s style as a key inspiration for when we go to St. Malo.