The Exhibition was unique in its own way through how they had used old and altered images of the Fort by using AI. It reminded me of nostalgia because of how there was old equipment that would of been placed in the fort. They also used images which had been similar to what the fort had used to look like. I enjoyed how they had used bright colour to describe distorted images and to show that these ideas of the fort was through someone’s memories, as if it where like a dream state. The exhibition makes it feel like you are going through a tour of the Fort but through someone else’s dreams, almost giving an LSD type affect. And I like how they had used AI as a way of creating these dream like altered images, as it had created images better than doing it by hand and having to use a lot more thinking to create a decent image.

This is one of his images which was more eye catching to me, either because it was the biggest or the fact that they used bright colours. Either way, to me it is an image that creates a good feeling that it is trying to express, although it is not actually real, the use of AI creates a good dream like representation of what the swimming pool in the fort used to look like. I like the use of regular and distorted shapes. For example the water reflecting look on the left of the image, reminds me of water reflecting off of a pool, like a metallic look. The use of light and dark areas gives a good contrast to the image and creates a more eye catching look. It reminds me of what someone would remember as what a pool used to look like when they where 7.
The whole experience in its self was a good representation of what Will was trying to express, a sensation/representation of nostalgia. But to me it reminded me of something like being on acid, as if you where walking through someone else’s mind and memories of what a place used to look like, the majority of the image’s where the use of shapes and distortion and bright colours. Some people find it hard to actualise memories and what things might look like to them, but because of how these images where created it makes it easier for people to understand the images but in a way which is hard to explain. Similarly to LSD.

Images like these remind me of something from the willy Wonka factory but a futuristic version. Also its cartoony look makes a more simpler but accurate image, and reminds me of when I was a kid looking at cartoons. Lastly I like the practical parts of the exhibition, like the old game that was set up, and the small room which had purple lights on the ground and that electric ball, it allowed for people who have small attention spans to keep their attention just that little bit more.