Both Kurland and Goldberg take their images in a documentary style, documenting the lives of people who have run away from home and are essentially homeless.
Justine Kurland’s project ‘Girl pictures’ contrasts with Jim Goldberg’s project ‘Raised by wolves’. Kurland presents her images in a more ‘feminine’ way; soft and gentle, hiding the reality that the girls in the photos are ‘run away girls’ and aren’t living a traditionally pleasant life. On the other hand, Goldberg has presented his images in a more ‘masculine’, harsh way; without sugar-coating anything. His images show the jarring truth of what it’s like to live on the streets.
Jim Goldberg’s project ‘Raised by Wolves’ took 10 years to make. Throughout those 10 years, Jim focused on picturing troubled runaways, whose lives became intertwined. This is similar to what Justine Kurland captured in her project ‘Girl pictures’ which is arguably a ‘feminine’ version of Goldberg’s project. Jim Goldberg captured the subjects’ personalities, histories, dreams, and aspirations; which are presented in their own words.

Jim Goldberg’s Project: ‘Raised by wolves’
Comping their projects: