Definition for femininity is qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of women or girls, and definition of masculinity is qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men or boys. However a society has their own judgement on what femininity means and what masculine means. There are stereotypes and certain traits that the society generalised on both women and men based on how the majority of each gender act or acted in the past. The characteristics of both femininity and masculinity are usually associated with the bellow :

Masculinity is seen to be the trait which emphasizes ambition, acquisition of wealth, and differentiated gender roles. Femininity is seen to be the trait which stress caring and nurturing behaviours, sexuality equality, environmental awareness.
The video bellow describes how being a man or being a woman is different to being male of female, this is constructed by society, and are socially conditioned to behave a certain way. this also means man and women, as polar opposites and are treated differently. This video also talks about the values being acquired instead of being natural. where the patriarchy pushes males to act like men and for females to act like women and acting contrary to this is discouraged, often leading to social or legal punishment, or both. however what’s interesting is that in different parts of the world, and cultures some values of what it means to be a woman and to be a man differ from other cultures.
Some of ideas what are classified as masculine or feminine a quite random and ridiculous, for example a colour, there are certain colours that have been associated with women and men for years, however some people go to the extremes of giving a colour its specific gender. This is seen with baby’s toys or clothing, this is also helpful for a stranger to identify the child gender, but it shouldn’t not be shameful on men wearing pink at any point in their life, as because the colours are associated with certain genders, they don’t only belong to that gender.

Certain characteristics don’t have to only apply to the gender they are describing, they are seen in both men and women, in some most then others,. In today’s society what it means to be “feminine” or “masculine” can be taken out of context and their definitions can be exaggerated in a negative opinion. For example if a man had a couple of feminine characteristics, like he is caring, shouldn’t mean he is acting like the opposite gender, as a man should be allowed to be feminine if he wishes too, as femininity doesn’t “belong” to just women, likewise with women they are allowed to act, dress or express themselves in a masculine way if they wish too. As it is a stereotype of what a women should act, dress and look like , same with men, in todays society this idea of that stereotype is challenged by many.

As it is typical to see a woman acting feminine or a man acting masculine, when the roles are reversed it may leave people confused as they have been accustomed to seeing women being feminine an man being masculine, this is because the majority of people act according to what they have been thought and what they saw around them, either as a child or even in adulthood. Many don’t wish to challenge the stereotypes as a part of fitting in and belonging within a society, or simple because they are not comfortable with that. For example not every man wishes to dress more famine , but some do and they shouldn’t be discouraged because of what majority of population is doing. However this doesn’t mean it is wrong for a man to wish to act masculine, as this depends on genetics, childhood, society, personal preferences and many more.

As a women many of certain ideas of what it means to be feminine seem exaggerated and absurd , like ways of taking care of their appearance, where now there are many different ways to make a women feel “beautiful” with different cosmetic procedures, from manicure, to even Botox. women are pressured to look after their appearance to look more feminine, hence why many link femininity with beauty, however since it is seen everywhere, either on social media or daily life it feels like all these different procedures are necessary, when in reality the idea of a beauty standard shouldn’t influence women to do harm to their health. The definition of femininity has a big influence on certain women as well as men. Some men could even be scared to be seen slightly feminine, and again might do certain things that harm them for the sake of being more masculine. More extremes of femininity seen in a person and extremes of masculinity seen in a person, could actually be taken as “toxic masculinity” or “toxic femininity” and what is advised is actually a balance of both femininity and masculinity in any person. Not everyone would feel comfortable with that but following the positive aspects of both femininity and masculinity could lead for a person to be completely balanced with less worries about their identity.