

The images used in this edit have been taken as singular shots, which means each image is an individual. We used colour gels to create the different colours within the image in order to create the multi coloured background. I picked images within the same photoshoot to keep a corresponding mood within the triple exposure edit, these images were alike yet shared differences therefore worked within the edit. I made one of the pictures and slowly while decreasing the opacity to create a shadow within the triple exposure.


Similarly to the other edit colour gels were used, these images were still taken while using the blue and red lighting. While photography Phoebe she held a mirror in order to try and reflect her face, in order to get to sides of her face within the portrait. That image was taken at an angle therefore I used an image with a direct mode of address, this is to create dimension in the image.


These images were taken in a red light, which connotes danger, sacrifice, courage however has also had recent connotations of heat, love and passion. Within my images taken of Phoebe my images radiate danger and anger, this is to do with her posture as well as the stance of her body and the direct eye contact seen in this images. For this double exposure I chose images that are fairly similar with a slight difference of the angle of her face, this is to create a simple yet affective double exposure without removing the power image it is itself.


This image was taken on the camera itself using the double exposure setting, this therefore meant I didn’t have to manually have to create a double exposure on photoshop. However I did adjust the exposure and hues in the image to reduce the amount of light which affected the images by creating a white undertone and lacking colour. In order to create the vivid colours seen in the last image I increased the hues and saturation.

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