Butterfly lighting is a lighting pattern used in portrait photography where the key light is placed above and pointing down on the subject’s face. This creates a dramatic shadow under the nose and chin that looks like a butterfly.

Whys is called butterfly lighting?
Butterfly lighting is a simple lighting pattern used in portrait photography. It’s named for the shadows that’s formed underneath the nose. Not seeing the butterfly? Picture a butterfly flying toward you, wings spread out…that’s the shadows it creates.

What is butterfly lighting used for?
Butterfly lighting is a lighting pattern used in portrait photography where the key light is placed above and pointing down on the subject’s face.
What mood does butterfly lighting create?
It is ideal for portraits as it highlights the subject’s main features, like the nose and cheekbones. It creates a shadow under the subject’s nose and chin. These shadows make the subject look slimmer. The soft lighting pattern casts a feminine effect on the subject’s face.
My take on butterfly lighting:

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