This photoshoot was taken in the studio i used one light place on the side of the models face and a black backdrop to show only one side of the face which gives an aspect of mystery and eeriness to the photographs.
Rembrandt Lighting
The lighting system we used was continuous lighting, there for the lighting was constant so we could see where the lighting was highlighting the face.
Rembrandt lightings a standard lighting technique that is used in studio portrait photography and cinematography; it is also used in contrast with butterfly lighting It can be achieved using one light and a reflector, or two lights, and is popular because it is capable of producing images which appear both natural and compelling with a minimum of equipment. Rembrandt lighting is characterized by an illuminated triangle (also called “Rembrandt patch”) under the eye of the subject on the less illuminated side of the face. It is named for the Dutch painter Rembrandt, who occasionally used this type of lighting.
By using Rembrandt lighting you instantly create shadows and contrast – and of course, the characteristic ‘triangle of light’ beneath the subject’s eye
Lighting set up
Rembrandt lighting using hard lightRembrandt lighting using soft light