I did an environmental portraiture shoot for my summer task. These photos are one of my favourite shoot that I have done due to the lighting, composition and contrasts in black and whites.
At the time I based these images off David Goldblatt’s work, and his environmental portraiture photos. I really like the way he frames his subjects and uses light to frame and define their faces.


Image Selection

My critique: Altogether I am pleased with how the shoot went, however the only thing I would have changed is the focus and depth of field. I feel like I could have pushed myself to use manual focus and blur out the background.
Editing: I think I Managed to contrast the whites and blacks well, and focus the light on my subject to create a strong focal point. Goldblatt’s photos mainly have the person’s environment /lifestyle captured in the image. I tried to recreate this as much as I could, whilst also getting the right lighting, focus and depth that I wanted in the image. One thing I changed was taking my photos from different angles e.g. lower level looking up, unlike David;s work with is mainly straight on.