I will be taking environmental portraits of people in their work place. Furthermore I will take images of people in public places living their lives, personal or professional.
Locations where I may try to take this images will be various places in town; the market, restaurants, small local business’ and perhaps small spots where young people decide to meet up.
These images will be taken on the date; Wednesday 1 March, regarding whether the weather will be dry and have some soft natural light. Higher in the market and fish market there is natural lighting while also having some artificial light on the walls and ceiling so perhaps I can take my images there. This will also give me enough time to upload and basic edit the photos I will take.
I will be uses my personal camera which I have at home, while also taking some on my phone so I can take subtle and natural images, to create an authentic image of how people really are.
This shoot is to illuminate the subject of environmental portraiture which discovers the behaviours and decisions of people.