This photoshoot was experimenting with the camera and creating environmental portraits. We had taken the images around Hautlieu school. My best image was taken on the languages wing where both Anna and Phoebe, were sitting on the stairs with the masks behind them. Most of my images have a low resolution and are out of focus, when taking my environmental portraits I need to check my camera setting before I go out.


Within the two images they both include two people within them, there are some similarities between the images however there are also some differences. Both images are in black and white however Sanders image has more of a grainy texture due to the technology at the time, as well as him trying to reduce using new technology. Both images have two people within the frame however they have different connotations. Due to the close proximity of the subjects in Sanders image it could suggest they are related or relatively close friends. Both kids are looking directly at the camera, giving a direct mode of address, suggesting that they have been instructed what to do, this could be because they are children however in observing their clothing it suggests they are part of the upper class so they have to maintain a certain image. In my image both girls are looking at their phones with a space between them, this is to show how society has evolved while showing the effects of new technology and how it has consumed young minds. With the distance between the images it is reinforce the idea of the distance that technology create social interactions.