An environmental portrait is a photographed portrait that captures subjects in their natural surroundings instead of in a studio or other artificial setup.
what is meant by the word portrait? a type of photography aimed toward capturing the personality of a person or group of people by using effective lighting, backdrops, and poses.
Environmental mood board

artist research
Alec Soth. Alec Soth is an American photographer, based in Minneapolis. Soth makes “large-scale American projects” featuring the midwestern United States. New York Times art critic Hilarie M. Sheets wrote that he has made a “photographic career out of finding chemistry with strangers” and photographs “loners and dreamers”
Celebrated as one of the most important US photographers working today, Alec Soth merges a documentary style with a poetic sensibility. His first photographic series, Sleeping by the Mississippi, evolved from a series of road trips along the Mississippi River made between 1999 and 2002.
Soths images tells a story they are intriguing to look at because of the information and life story you can see of the person in a singular photo and how the people who see the image go on journey to interpret their own story on how they see the image.