In School
-Contact Sheet

Analysis of this photoshoot:
I’m not very happy with this photoshoot as none of the photos are what i was aiming for. We were set this task in class to find places in the school to take environmental portraits. This was difficult as the lighting around the school isn’t very good and alongside the dull colours, it doesn’t create a good photo.
However, I edited a few of the images and i like the outcome of two of them:

I like the outcome of this image as it fits with the topic of environmental portraiture. This is a student sat in front of a board with whatever subject he’s taking. The image is strong as he is sat in a firm position, you can see his full body; I cropped the image so that he is in the centre of the photo, creating a focal point. I also turned the image into black and white, as there was a lot of colours in the background that were distracting from the focal point.
In environmental portrait photos, the subjects in the photos usually have a straight, emotionless face. I told this student to make a straight face to fit with this.

I like the outcome of this image, however, I think the quality could have been a lot better. There wasn’t enough time spent taking these photos; and I feel like if we had taken more time taking these photos, we could have experimented more and tried out different angles, backgrounds and maybe lighting. I like the fact his whole body is in the photo and the background does relate to him and reflects on what he does in his working environment. This is what an environmental portrait should be like.