Emotional Response:
This environmental portrait shows the relationship between mankind and [nature] natural setting. This image is ominous and suspicious due to the connotations of this eerie dark green tone in the image, and the hard stare that Krupp has. The way that Krupp presents himself in this image, it radiates power and danger towards the people looking at the image; the direct mode of address also make the audience feel slightly intimidated.
Visual -what can we see in the image:
In this image Krupp presents himself as a dominant, powerful, dangerous man; this can be supported by his position in the image. He is in the centre of the image while also being in the foreground this is suggesting that he is the focal point and what the receiver should be focusing on. His hand gestures emit this commanding feeling which is reinforced by his hand and body position as a triangle, pyramids are know for being strong which could suggest that his is trying to reinforce this idea. He is wearing a dark grey suit in an abandoned industrial site perhaps the site he used to work in. The pillars on either side of him create a frame in frame, further framing Krupp in the image and perhaps drawing more attention to the background. In the background you are able to notice the trains and this neglected space, furthermore on the roof of this building you are able to see light right above Krupp’s head giving a sense that it is leading you out which creates more depth to this image. The tone in this image is dark including very little lighting, yet matches the image perfectly while also having the right amount of light in the image to give more depth, the texture of the image is slightly grainy maybe to further show the connotations of a ditched site or maybe it was just the camera they had used.
Conceptual – why was the photo taken / presented;
Contextual – who, when, where etc…the story, background, impact:
Arnold Newman was a Jewish photographer. “As a Jew, it’s my own little moment of revenge.”, he wanted revenge for what Alfred Krupp was responsible for, during the WW2. The WW2, lead by Adolf Hitler, which killed around 6 million Jews. Krupp, the man in the picture, was responsible for transporting resources through a family company.
Technical – how was the photo taken:
Newman had a platform specifically erected in order to place Krupp against an industrial backdrop and he knew exactly what kind of image he had in mind. When composing the shot he asked Krupp to lean forward slightly, when he did he clasped his fingers together under his chin.