Emotional Response
The image ensues a slight fear into the viewer, the way Alfred Krupp is standing with his hands clasped, staring at the camera can be seen as quite malicious, this could’ve been done to show he is a bad person.
Technical – how was the photo taken
Arnold Newman most likely chose to take the image in a darker light to make Alfred Krupp look like a malicious or evil person because of the crimes he committed during WW2. He took the image from above possibly showing how his power has changed – from being in power, being the one who makes the trains to having less power, being in jail.
Visual -what can we see in the image
In the middle of the foreground of the image, there is a white man, who looks to be in his 60s, who has his hands clasped together in a pyramid type shape. Behind him there are lots of different things, there are two pillars, making the image quite symmetrical. There are also objects that are almost like barrels, I’m unsure of what they actually are but they could be train wheels due to Alfred Krupp‘s past and due to the fact that there are trains in the background of the image. There is also a row of lights behind him, making his body quite shadowy.
Conceptual – why was the photo taken / presented
Arnold Newman went around taking images of people who enabled/committed crimes against Jewish people in WW2 as he is a Jewish person himself.
Contextual – who, when, where etc…the story, background, impact
Alfred Krupp (the man in the image) was a German industrialist who built the trains to send the Jewish people to different concentration camps. He also sent tanks and ammunition that he made to the Nazi army. After WW2, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison for war crimes. Arnold Newman (the photographer) was a Jewish photographer and after WW2, he went around photographing different people who enabled or even committed crimes against Jewish people.