“As a Jew, it’s my own little moment of revenge.” “It was my impression of a Nazi who managed to survive yet killed millions of people” – Arnold

This image is an environmental portrait as it shows the connection between the person and the place. The emotions this image gives off is intimidating, powerful and scary. This is due to the lighting mainly, its under-exposed, dark and manipulated. You can see only his head and hands being mainly highlighted and then the back with the lights leading down into the far back creating the dimensions on the image to be different. The white balance is more cold to give off the eerie feeling that this image has created. You can also see the texture in the large panels places on each side of him almost symmetrically to frame him more as the main focus. Once again the spacing of the image being that Alfred is in front of everything demonstrating its to do with him and has value to him, the eye contact he’s making by looking down through the lens to show authority has an impact on the emotion the audience can get from this picture. The contextual meaning in this image is that the background is a train station, this is where Alfred worked, he would help make trains and train tracks which would lead Jews to concentration camps during WW2 his positioning in this image almost hints that its where he works. The concept of this photo is that the photographer Arnold Newman was a Jew himself and had aimed to be able to capture, Newman had a platform specifically erected in order to place Krupp against an industrial backdrop and he knew exactly what kind of image he had in mind. Alfred assumed he was getting a normal portrait but instead the very powerful image demonstrated how arrogant and evil the man was. He sent off several Jews onto trains for them to then get killed.