Street Photography

Street photography simply is photos taken on the street of the street, people on the street, things happening on the street. It is an easy way to show life and typical happenings in a society. It can comment on peoples’ livelihoods or be completely fabricated simply through the photographers approach. Cartier-Bresson took the hidden approach of taking photos without people knowing he’s there; whereas, William Klein actively goes up in people’s faces and talks to the people he photographs. Each approach produces completely different outcomes.
Photoshoot Plan
As quite a shy person, I want use Cartier-Bresson’s technique of taking photos at the ‘decisive moment’. By taking pictures without the models knowing, I personally feel less intrusive, but I also can get more natural images where the model won’t pose or change their personality for the camera. It also means that not a single photo would be the same as I would be constantly moving never staying in one place for longer30 seconds.

However this isn’t always the best plan and so I also want to find a well framed alley way and just sit their with my camera pointing at a busy street or in a shop window, waiting for something to happen in a very still setting, waiting for the ‘decisive moment’.

Seeing as St Malo isn’t accessible to me 24/7, I also wish to take some images as a tourist, taking photos of the beautiful side of the town, depicting a typical point of view of someone in a new place, creating memories. This would allow me to explore the theme for this project, nostalgia.