Why did I choose Ronez quarry?
I chose to focus on Ronez quarry because out of the ideas I had, I felt that it linked strongest to the theme of Anthropocene. I was attracted further to the idea once I had seen David Maisel’s images from his mining project, which captivated me, as they had a sense of awe about them. Ronez quarry linked strongly to Anthropocene as the landscape has been drastically changed because of human activity and the demand for raw materials.

How did I plan?
I wanted to show how vast Ronez quarry actually was and how much the landscape around the area is being affected. I went to Ronez and took images from above to replicate the work of David Maisel, who inspired me to take photos of the quarry. I also, wanted to show the depth and width of the quarry. However, I was restricted to the angles and shots I could get because there was a fence, preventing me getting the angle I wanted. I took further images of the quarry from Sorel Point to get a different view. The only limitation when taking the images, at Sorel Point is that I couldn’t get an aerial view of the quarry so the images didn’t really link back to David Maisel’s work.
Overall evaluation on the project:
In my opinion the images I took at Ronez, from above, are stronger and came out better, than the ones I took at Sorel Point. This is mainly because the view of the quarry wasn’t what I was looking for however, the images at Ronez weren’t perfect because you can’t see the whole quarry due to restrictions and overgrown bushes blocking the view of the water pool.

It was quite frustrating not being able to get the view of the quarry I wanted to demonstrate what the quarry looks like as not many people will know how vast it is and the effect it is having on the landscape surrounding it.
I feel like I could have portrayed David Maisel’s work better if I had a drone to get a proper aerial view, like his images, which would of given my images more depth and a better composition..
In conclusion, I enjoyed this project and exploring the theme of Anthropocene and how the environment is being drastically changed by humanity. I am happy with my outcomes as I have some strong images even though there were factors, out of my control, restricting me to take the images I wanted.