The type of lighting used in the image is artificial lighting from studio lights, coming from straight above the image. The light creates a contrast of colours and lights in the dark areas of the photograph. By using the colour tools in photoshop I changed the colours of the bags to create a more interesting response to her work. The visual elements of the image such as colour creates leading lines and for your eyes to flow around the image. The material of the bag makes the image feel like a jelly fish under the sea which represents the project of Rolsfen, she explored collecting single use plastic bags and re using them to create art work. The form is created by the positioning the bag in a certain way making it look like its 3D. The repetition of the creases and folds in the bag helps to create this 3D effect.
Why did I choose Abstract for my Anthropocene?
I chose to have an abstract response to this project as the images can have many meanings and interpreted in different ways. After doing research on abstract artists such as Mandy Barker I learnt more about the problems with single use plastic and how it effects the environment. This helped me to explore my ideas with plastic and experiment with different aspects of it.
How did I plan?
I started by exploring abstract artists and gathering ideas. I really like the idea of plastics, not just the composition of it but the meanings behind it. For example, how it is affecting our Earth every day and every minute. I decided to collected plastic bags, bottle lids and other single use plastic which are thrown out. I used the studio at school and also shoots at my home. After viewing my images I wanted to then develop them further by changing colours in photoshop and Lightroom.
Overall Evaluation
Overall, i am happy with how my final outcomes turned out. The three images work very well together as a trip ticks. I really like the colours of the images together how the purple flows through the images.