George Marazakis born in 1976 in Creta Island Greece where he lives with his wife and their son. He studied Mechanical Engineering and works for the Greek Ministry of Justice.
He takes the Anthropocene as both concept and title for a series that looks at a landscapes engendered by the greed of mankind.
“An external observer could describe it as an autoimmune disease attacking its own body”

My favourite images are his ones of the emissions coming out of factories such as the one above, as it is a ‘straight to the point’ display of the damage and the amount of air pollution we are creating. I think this makes it a powerful image as the viewer cannot avoid the photographers intensions for the image as it is a clear demonstration of the damages caused by humans.
The lighting is dim to create a somber feeling ensuring the viewer shares the same feeling of despondency as George Marazakis does towards this particular subject.
The long road running through the middle of the image for a distance symbolises the event of climate change getting closer and the effects increasing as humans continue to pollute and disregard the health of our planet and its ecosystems despite being educated on the outcome.
The factory is located in the middle of the image making sure it is the focal point of the image in contrast to the the nature around it to show where he believes our focal point should be further stating his desire for change and a focus on protecting nature.