For this image, I wanted to create depth but also focusing on the repition of the scaffolding and linear objects. This links to Anthropocene as construction work is connected to not only more buildings but also fossil fuels, a lot has to be burnt to create it all.

For this image, I really wanted the focus to be on the sunlight reflecting off the window and how the window acts as a mirror. I think this could link to Anthropocene as it could look like a split between the two world (natural and industrial).

For this image, I really want to create a sense of depth and shape within the multiple layers of scaffolding and use the light to my advantage.
After editing all my photos, I then went in and adjusted them even more using the dodge and burn tool to lighten/darken certain areas.



For these experiments, I was inspired by Stephanie Jung and her work. What I really like about these images is how easily they fit within each other while still giving off the affect I wanted them to. I used photoshop to layer the images on top of each other and then played around with the opacity until I was happy with how the images blended together. I then went in and adjusted some of the areas, either with the dodge/burn tool or with the brightness/contrast.

To make this montage I started by flipping one of the images so that they were both the right way to make the illusion of a new building before then cropping and layering them together until I was happy with how it looked. I really like the idea of a building made up of two separate buildings while also having the two different light directions and intensities, the image on the left is during the beginning of a sunset whereas the image on the right looks more like it is light and sunny.