I went to the dump at La Collette and took pictures of the big metal bins filled with all kinds of rubbish. Along with the huge mountains of rubbish that have been there for years now.

I like the bin shots as they look very full and crowded, showing us that we produce and throw away too many things. And the mountains show us where it goes, it just gets dumped here because we don’t know what to do with it. I like the weather seen in the background in some of these too, the clouds are very dark and sad which I’d like to think reflect the feelings of the world currently because of what we are doing to it.
I visited a few places near the sea that had seawalls preventing the water from going any further into the land.

Once again, very happy with these shots as they show mankind intercepting with the ocean. Especially so with the pictures that include the Waterfront as that area is on top of reclaimed land and landfill. I like that the photos also show the side perspectives, showing the seawalls stretch all the way out.
I went to Le Marais and other areas nearby to take pictures of some of the buildings that people live in. Some of these turned out great. These photos are also my Robert Clayton photoshoot.

VERY proud of these images, I enjoyed taking these images and knew they were going to look great in my blog post, I love the perspectives of some of these, from vertical shots down a street between adjacent buildings to wide angle views showing houses in the foreground and tall buildings in the background standing high. I think these relate to Anthropocene very well as, for example, the pictures involving the small patch of grass in the middle of the surrounding man-made environment, I think it can show nature sort of being trapped and compressed by us with no way out. Another example could be the pictures with the tall building and the lamp post in the frame, it could be showing us how long we have been damaging the planet as the lamp post looks kind of old and classic and the building is more new. Indicating we have been around for quite a long time.