During this project, I researched both of the main aspects of Landscape Photography; the natural and urban aspects of it with many subtopics. I learnt about Romanticism and the Sublime, Urban photography and lastly the Anthropocene. Each sub- topic introduced me to new photographers and the techniques they use- expanding my knowledge on landscape photography. Overall, I think I completed this project very effectively, exploring the different ways I could photograph my surroundings and capturing any different locations in a variety of styles. One of the most successful aspects of this project, was my experimentation when it came to editing, resulting with many effective and successful edits that linked in well with the artists I focused my research on. Something I could improve on, would have to be the amount of photos I took, resulting with more images to choose from and therefore making sure each image is good quality, making the final edits even better. Furthermore, I think I did well on researching the photographers, my analysis showing my understanding of their techniques and the type of landscape photography they do. If I could change/ add to certain parts of the project, I would research more urban landscape photographers, to deepen my understanding of the topic and therefore make my analysis and comparisons easier to write and more detailed.

• A successful project that flows well and shows good understanding, knowledge and confidence…well done!
• There is room for improvement / exploration with your imagery…and manipulation could become more ambitious and sophisticated
• Use the time you now have to experiment more