my images:

I like how theses image have came out, I think they portray the theme of Anthropocene nicely as it shows how industrial building etc are becoming more and more common all over Jersey and even damaging the island. I think that the carry a message through to the viewers making them aware of what is happening and get them thinking about how they could help or try and do something to help make a change.
inspired images:

Overall, I am very happy with how my artist inspired images turned out. I think that the back backgrounds make the pencils and bottle caps stand out to the viewer and intrigues them into the image. In my first inspired image I like how the pencils draw you in because of the shape and pattern of them, they make you interested and look into the image for the more detail and depth of what the images is made out off etc. If I were to do the image again I would be more persist with the placement of the pencils make sure that they were the perfect length to meet and the corners where my image has a few gaps. I would also use less black pencils so that they could be seen easier. For my second inspired image I like how I have used a range of colours and different shaped/sized bottle caps, as it makes them very bold with the background being black. I think my second image is more the style of Barry Rosenthal’s work rather than inspired by his image as they are quite different, therefore next time I would use the same colour caps and place them in a more structured layout. For my final inspired image I think it works very well from far away as it looks very similar, however I have used coloured pencils as opposed to plastic straws like Rosenthal. I still like the image as it is very bust with the pencils being scattered rather than placed. If I were to recreate it again I would use straws instead as well as using more as he has more straws in his image than I do pencils. As a whole I like how my images show how regular items, that many don’t think of, can become something more than rubbish or wasted products.
For my final images I have chosen to use my three Barry Rosenthal inspired images as well as a few of my edits using the industrial images seen on the blog post above.