It is a simple method that uses duplication, mirroring, and rotation to create a geometric pattern. A kaleidoscope pattern has a hypnotising quality to it. The pattern draws you into the centre of the image. This can be done with a repetition and rotation of the image over and over again to create more of a circular effect or could be done with just 2 rotations. i have decided to do it 4 times.
- Change the canvas size. to do that I have gone to image-canvas size- and made a note of the number of pixels.

2. File-New and change the pixel number

The number that needs to be changes is the width and height. by doubling the number of pixels of the image. then putting in the doubled width into the width pixel column and height in height one.

3.After opening the background and the picture, Using Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C I copied and pasted the same image onto the background area.
4.On that image using Ctrl+T I right clicked a chose : flip horizontal, this image because it was flipped horizontally I put it onto the right of the first image.

5. Using Ctrl+V I pasted the same image as before but this time selecting : flip vertically. This image I have put bellow the original one .

6. Having the same image pasted again, i have flipped it horizontally.

7.Then I have flipped it vertically, and have aligned it in the bottom right corner.

Final Image:

I have experimented with that technique on another image, as well as rearranging the images alignment, swapping them vertically.

• Some really good progress here…especially in your approach to experimentation and alternative outcomes!
• However, your work will move up to the next level with a higher level of control of your photo-shoots
• Refer more closely to OUR artist references in order to adjust your approach and control when taking photographs
(Re-organise the order of your blog posts…some are out of place)
Keep working hard !