Dafna Talmor

Talmor is a London based photographer who practices encompasses photography, spatial interventions, curation and collaborations.
She creates her work by using two different negatives and cutting them up with a scalpel to merge the photos together when developing them. Talmor combines colour negatives of landscapes that she has been collecting for years and transforms them into visually striking compositions that are devoid of man made structures.
I attempted to create a image inspired by Talmor on photoshop, i believe with more practice and time i would. be able to make the image look a lot better and cleaner to create this i used the Lasso tool on photoshop to select the part of the image i wanted to use.

I then used the paintbrush to create the darker parts which Talmor would have used bleach to create it, i turned the hardness of the brush down, made the brush size smaller and turned the opacity down and proceeded to go over the outline on the parts i cut out.