Rosenthal and Barker have similar styles in photography, yet their work is contrasting.
Both Rosenthal and Barker are showing how plastic is affecting life and the Earth. Rosenthal highlights how much plastic and non-renewable sources we use on a daily basis, perhaps without even realising or not knowing its plastic. However Barker shows how plastic is affecting Earth and the natural life such as the sea, this therefore affecting habitats for the water animals with them digesting the plastic.
Rosenthal usually uses a white background with minimal objects in the foreground. His objects are well placed in a sense that they cover the frame equally, or they look like they have been randomly scattered. His photos are basic yet his message is shown directly and still is recognised.
Barker photographs her image in a more aesthetically pleasing way. She started off taking pictures similar to Rosenthal while she was on the go, however it wasn’t getting the recognition that she had hoped for. She photographs her objects on black velvet which energises her photos and brightens the colours. Barker edits her photos more than Rosenthal so she can get her audience to engage more with the eye catching images.

My images are placed on black cardboard I took inspiration from Barker as I wanted the colours to seem more vibrant and to contrast against the dark background. I did use a diet coke can, it may not be plastic but its many things that is one time use and people don’t recycle. I tried to replicate the plastic cap image from Rosenthal so I could link it back, however mine is slightly different with different sizes and colours. Perhaps if I collected them for a longer period of time they would look more similar.