Here are some images I took in the L’Etacq area. Unfortunately there was a hail and rain shower whilst I was out and this has affected the lens in many of these which does render them quite useless. However I am happy with the way that the sky looks in these images because it is exactly what I wanted to represent over the fields to create the ominous effect.

These are the images I took for the more natural aspect of my project – at Greve de Lecq woodland. The weather was exactly what I was looking for, fortunately, with high visibility and cold sunshine. Additionally, due to the time of day and height of the sun in the sky, the images have the effect of being near to darkness – as though there is still sun, yes, but it will soon be gone. This therefore makes these images very effective symbolically for their purpose. I am happy with quite a few of these images but I think any of them that include evidence of a path will not be suitable as they do not represent the kind of untouched landscape I wanted to photograph. I think for the majority of my natural images I am going to use older ones as I was not able to make it to many locations during this short spell of clear weather.
My favourite photos from these two shoots are shown below;